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Amish trip among variety of youth activities

Posted on Thu, Aug 23, 2012

 Zion's youth group will travel via van to Holmes County Sept. 15 to visit special attractions in the midst of Amish country and to share dinner at an Amish home.

 The group will travel in the Maumee Watershed District's 15-passenger van. Watch for details on departure times, return time, and costs. Those who have questions may speak with Jim Nevel, our youth pastor.

 In other activities, youth will conduct a special movie night Wednesday, Aug. 29. The group is considering two films, "Courageous" or "Facing the Giant," and expects to make its final selection this week. The group also will hold a sleepover at the church Friday, Aug. 31, with games, a bonfire, and a special Bible study.


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