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Annual confirmation classes to begin in September

Posted on Tue, Jul 31, 2012

 Rev. Keeler will begin a 35-week confirmation study the first Sunday in September. Classes will meet at 9 a.m. each Sunday in his office.

 If you know of a youngster 12 years old or older who has not participated in confirmation, please let Rev. Keeler know so that he can send appropriate mailings. He would consider adding mature 11-year-olds to the class if asked to do so.

 The annual confirmation study seeks to provide a complete grounding in Christianity and to help youngsters come to a faith decision on their own. It will include extensive introduction to the Bible, a review of the history of Christianity, study of basic Christian affirmations and creeds, development of a personal belief statement by each student, and introduction to major theological understandings held by most Christians. This will include study of the doctrine of creation, of the Holy Trinity, and of our beliefs about Jesus Christ.

 We will ask each student to work with an adult mentor to learn about that mentor's beliefs, his or her faith journey, and simply to create a system of fellowship and discipleship.


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