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Tuesday evening prayer sessions to resume

Posted on Thu, Sep 13, 2012

 Rev. Keeler will resume weekly prayer meetings at 7 p.m. Sept. 25. They will take place each Tuesday in the lounge.

 The prayer sessions were conducted all last year and were temporarily suspended this summer.

 Please join us for these sessions. We pray for the world, our nation, our local communities and governments, the people around us, and for the church. We want to include your prayers and will make certain that those who ask are placed on our church's prayer chain, as well.

 "One of my pastoral heroes, a great teacher, writer and preacher named Eugene Peterson, once said a pastor has only one job, teaching people to pray," Rev. Keeler recalled. "I do not claim to be a great teacher of prayer, but I want to do that work here at Elliston. I hope people will join us, so that we can learn from each other in this most basic Christian duty."

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